Wednesday, April 24th, 5-7pm
It's hard to believe it's almost been 10 years since The Whale Guitar was unveiled on April 24th, 2014 at The Providence Public Library! Since then, hundreds of guitarists have played and signed it, and its been bringing its climate message as an Instrument of Change to area schools and libraries. It's had many adventures along the way, including being the focus of an award-winning documentary short by Motif Magazine!
To commemorate those ten years, the Providence Public Library and The Whale Guitar are planning a show and exhibit, exactly 10 years to the date of its unveiling show in 2014! You are invited and I hope you can come! The event will be kicked off by an amazing performance by spoken word artist Christopher Johnson, then we'll commence telling stories, sharing film clips and singing sea shanties with Sharks Come Cruisin' Duo, and guest artists! Finally, we'll place the guitar into its exhibit case in the Map Room - where the guitar will be on view throughout the month of May! Registration TBA! FREE! Please be sure to register!